In this article, we cover how to manage editorial selections.
Topics covered here:
What are editorial selections?
Editorial selections are collections of entities that editors curate and publish as a whole entity.
For example, an editorial selection can group stories, photos, and albums that the front-end displays in a carousel. In FORGE Back Office, editors can publish or change the carousel content by editing that editorial selection.
Neutral language and translation visibility
Neutral language flags an entity that collects many translations. An editorial selection is such an entity, and the neutral language icon in the title visualizes this behavior:
When publishing an editorial selection, all translations it collects are published together. Yet, editors can switch off the visibility of some translations, so that they don't display on the front-end.
Create an editorial selection
- In FORGE Back Office, select Editorial Selection in the left menu:
- In the top-right of the editorial selection list page, select New and choose the option Editorial Selection:
The editorial selection detail page displays:
- Neutral language flag.
- Title of the editorial selection — It displays on the editorial selections list page.
- Translations — List of the system languages in which the editorial selection can be translated.
- Item list — Box where to add entities to the editorial selection. See paragraph; Manually add items.
- Main properties — Properties that identify the editorial selection:
- Entity type Editorial selection — Read-only field that reports the editorial selection entity type.
- Entity Code – Unique code of the editorial selection.
- Slug – Unique human-readable code of the editorial selection.
- Content Date — By default, it's the date when the editorial selection was first published, however, editors can edit it.
- Data Source — Only available when the editorial selection comes from an imported feed. It displays the name of the feed source.
- Editorial workflow status of the editorial selection — It can be New, Unpublished, Reviewed, and Published.
- History icon — Select to view the history of the editorial selection.
- Icons of:
- Selection and Autofill — See step 4.
- General Settings — See step 6.
- Write the editorial selection in box b.
- Select within box h to set up the autofill rules:
Once the number of items is at least 1, the Content Types, Context, and Tags sections display. Then editors can define the autofill rule that applies to all localizations.
For example, in the screenshot above, the rule autofills each language with up to two stories with alpha week as Context, alpha as Tags, and the that language.
- In brackets, the context label displays the context slug. E.g., in the context label, alpha week (alpha-week), the in-brackets alpha-week is the slug.
- Find tips for tags in the Content taxonomy article.
- When adding tags to autofill the editorial selection, select whether the to add entities:
- Matching at least one tag:
- Matching all tags:
- Matching at least one tag:
Editors can set whether the maximum number of automatically added items is also the maximum number of items in the editorial selection:
When the toggle is turned on, reaching the maximum number of items implies that any new added item — either manually or automatically — removes the last item. This applies to all translations.Info: Administrators need to assign editors the following permissions to enable them to set and manage the maximum number of items:
- SetSelectionLimitCommand
- SetSelectionMaxItemsCommand
- UnPinSelectionItemCommand
- UnsetSelectionLimitCommand
Note: If you're only manually adding entities to the editorial selection, skip the autofill rules setup. Still, set the maximum number when needed, as it's independent of the autofill.
- In the Item list box, for autofilled items, hover over the item you want to replace with an entity and select Pick item:
In the entity selection window, select the entity.
Note: The selected entity is automatically pinned.
- Select within box h to set up the authorization groups needed to see the editorial list in FORGE Back Office:
In the example above, only users assigned to the alpha-editor authorization group can see the editorial selection you're creating.
Note: If you don't plan to restrict editorial selection visibility, skip the authorization groups set up.
- In the Translations box, for each language:
- Select the language and overwrite Title and Slug inherited from the neutral language in the details popup window:
Note: After the first publishing of the editorial selection, the slug per translation is no longer editable.
- Manage the visibility of the editorial selection for a specific language; there are two ways:
- In the language detail popup window, select the visibility toggle:
- In the Translations box, hover over the language:
- In the language detail popup window, select the visibility toggle:
- Select the language and overwrite Title and Slug inherited from the neutral language in the details popup window:
- Select Preview to get a preview of the localization based on the manual selection and autofill rules:
- Select Publish to make the localization published on the front-end:
After publishing, you get the localization (e.g., en-us) published:
Manually add items
- In the Item list box, select Add items.
- Select what type of entity you want to add, and pick the list of entities to add. Repeat the selection for each entity type.
Tip: When adding photos and documents to the editorial selection, editors can upload other photos and documents directly in the entity selection page.
- Move the added entities to re-order them.
- Pin one or more added entities to make sure that no further changes to the editorial selection move their position.
- Hover over an added item to:
- Display and edit Contextual fields.
When selecting the Contextual fields icon, the Contextual fields tab opens in a box in the Main properties. It allows overriding the item's fields when it displays within the localization. Fields that editors can override depend on the entity type; e.g., for stories, see the Contextual fields:
- Open the entity details page in a new tab.
- Remove the entity from the editorial selection.
- Display and edit Contextual fields.
Empty slots: side case and solution
Suppose you manually added five items and didn't set an autofill rule:
Then, suppose you pin the fifth item (Alpha Friday):
Eventually, delete the second, third, and fourth items. This action creates three empty slots — a warning icon in the top-right highlights the side case:
The editorial selection preview lists only two slots, where the pinned item is in the second position (not in the fifth one):
There are two ways to overcome that incoherence:
- Hover over each empty slot, select the pick icon, and add an item.
- Define an autofill rule for a maximum number of items equal to or greater than five, so that three autofilled items fill the empty slots.
Publishing behavior
Schedule publishing and unpublishing
By selecting the three dots on the right of the Preview button , editors can select to schedule either the editorial selection, publishing or unpublishing:
Once you select Schedule publishing, the following popup window displays, which allows you to set the following:
- Year
- Month
- Hour
- Timezone
- Hour format
Bulk publishing of still unpublished items, tags, or context
When editors publish an editorial selection with some still unpublished items, tags, or context, the following popup displays; it lists unpublished or not-visible items, unpublished tags, and context:
In the example above,
- alpha player is a photo whose visibility is off for translation en-gb
- alphanews is an unpublished tag
- alpha is an unpublished context
Editors can:
- Select the alphanews tag to publish it together with the editorial selection. Otherwise, editors can deselect the alphanews tag and keep it unpublished when publishing the editorial selection.
- Select the alpha context to publish it together with the editorial selection. Otherwise, editors can deselect the alpha context and keep it unpublished when publishing the editorial selection.
- Select the alpha player photo to switch its visibility on for en-gb when publishing the editorial selection. Otherwise, editors can deselect the alphanews tag and keep it unpublished when publishing the editorial selection.
Tips: Remember that the front-end doesn't display entities when filtered by unpublished tags or context. In the example above, if editors deselect the alpha tag and publish the editorial selection, the auto-fill doesn't include entities with that tag.
By selecting the button, editors publish the editorial selection and selected items, tags, and context.
Publishing and archiving
When editors publish editorial selections for each visible language, the corresponding translation of their entities displays within the editorial selection.
After publishing, any change makes the editorial selection transition to the Reviewed status for all the available translations.
After archiving the editorial selection, all translations are archived.