By default, the page URL is the concatenation of
- Parent folders
- Page name
~/page-builder-test/_a_big_fan_of_alpha/fans-page is a page URL example.
When the URL from the site structure is not readable or good for SEO, the FORGE Page Builder for each page and folder lets you overwrite:
- The Basic URL (the language-independent URL)
- The language-related URL
- The name within the language-related URL
Note: index pages only allow overwriting URLs, not the name — which must remain index.
Take a look at the below example, where
- The alias ~/fans-home overwrites the ~/page-builder-test/_a_big_fan_of_alpha/fans-page within the Basic URL
- In the English version
- The fans-home name overwrites the fans-page name
- The ~/fans-home alias overwrites the URL
- In the French version
- The la-maison-des-fans name overwrites the fans-page name
- The ~/la-maison-des-fans alias overwrites the URL
Note: Copied pages and folders have empty aliases and copied names, as the copy sources may have. When copying/pasting a page or folder, the copy process skips aliases but keeps names.
Warning: Copied pages and folders have the same translated URLs as the copied sources. When copying/pasting a page or folder, if the new page or folder is under the same parent folder as the source, editorial teams have to change translated URLs in the new created page or folder. Otherwise, given a culture, two pages would have the same URL, causing inconsistencies in the front-end.
How to edit and translate the page URLs
To setup the URL aliases, take the following steps:
- Select the cog icon in the top-right of the page, then select URLs and Aliases:
- Depending on your needs, enter either the basic alias or aliases per language:
- Select Save settings in the bottom-right to save aliases:
- Confirm that you want to apply the aliases immediately on the front-end:
- Once saved, to undo your changes and restore the original URL, select the undo button:
- Confirm that you want to restore the original URL immediately:
Note: URL alias updates of published folders and pages reflect immediately on the front-end. Beware that you are changing a published page URL.
Double-checking your URL translations
After publishing your page, double-check your URL translations by taking the following steps:
- Select a language, e.g., French (fr-FR) from the top-right corner of the page.
- Select either View or Preview to see what the page looks like in the front-end.
- Double-check the page URL.