In this article, we cover the basic mechanisms FORGE provides to promote content.
Topics covered here:
In FORGE, there are two mechanisms to promote content:
- Push content into editorial selections
- Feature an editorial entity
Editorial selections
Editorial selections are groups of various content types, for example, text, photos, videos, and custom entities.
There are two ways to define entities within an editorial selection:
Manually, by selecting and sorting entities within the editorial selection.
It's possible to pin entities to guarantee that their position doesn't change when adding new entities or moving existing ones. -
Automatically, by selecting entity types, tags, and context within the editorial selection.
Tags vs. context: As tags describe content, the context categorizes content. For example, for a story about a match's highlights of the team Home, editors can set:
- The home tag to describe the content.
- The highlights context to categorize the story.
The content date — the date when editors first publish entities — sorts automatically selected entities.
Sorting: The content date — the date when editors first publish entities — sorts automatically selected entities.
Note: Manually inserted editorial entities appear before any automatically inserted editorial entities.
It's important to consider the placement of editorial selections for improved visibility and promotional opportunities. For example, an editorial selection can group and display the latest stories on the homepage.
See Create and manage editorial selections and their localization for more information.
Featured content
Another way to promote entities is to flag them as featured content.
When flagging an entity as featured, editors set that the entity's visibility on the front-end must take priority over other content. The front-end implementation determines how to display that content priority.
Across FORGE Back Office, grid pages display featured entities with a gray star over the thumbnail on the right. For example, a featured photo displays like in the following screenshot:
How does the front-end look like?
FORGE being a headless CMS, the front-end appearance and behavior are whatever editors and producers design. However, a common way to promote content is to have a main part and some extra content that people can easily find. You can see an example of this in the image below.